
How to bookmark: a monograph by The Boss

Hey you! Yes you.
Do you know how to properly bookmark shit?

...neither did I. But then I read an illustrated monograph by my alliance Boss! Now I know what sort of crap I need to include in a bookmark.
"But Kel!" I hear you say "I have not viewed this monograph like you have. How can I too glean its knowledge?!"
Rest easy my friend, for I shall publish the very same monograph here for you to read. Now you to can learn how to bookmark like a boss.

People are still here? What do you mean people are still here? Oh, they need more? Fine! Here's my other set of notes on how to bookmark. Courtesy of a corp-mate.

The basic format for wormholes is as followed  < (Where it is) - [first 3 letters of scan signature] - [where it goes] - [additional details] >

So for example: "(Home) YAJ - C5a - rout to hs"

Now anyone else can look at that and know that this bookmark is located in the home system, its signature ID starts with YAJ, it leads to a class 5 wormhole, and is on a rout to highsec.
See? easy. If you dont know where it leads or are missing information on it, bookmark the sig anyway and edit the details in latter as needed.

For example: "(Home) XAJ - *** - static, unresolved"

Now anyone looking at that knows that this is the home systems static, but it is unresolved, meaning that it is untouched and unopened. Latter on we would edit this to something like: "(Home) XAJ - C5b - hostile". Now someone looking at that knows that it leads to a class 5 wormhole, but that the wormhole is likely camped, bubbled or both.

Bookmarking sites is just as easy. < (Where it is) - [first 3 letters] - [what sig type] - [what site type] >

so for example: (C5a) - BBJ - GR - UCD

This would translate to a site in the C5a, sig ID BBJ, its a gravimetric site (rocks) and is a Unusual Core Deposit, or an average C5 asteroid field. There are only 4 types of site signatures so its pritty easy to work out if its a Radar (RA), Ladar (LA) Gravimetric (GR), or Magnetometric (MA). In any case, these primarily serve to standardise how bookmarks are made, which is important when you need to share those bookmarks with your corp an alliance. Detail and brevity are the key factors here. People need to be able to look at a bookmark and quickly work out what it is and what it does.

...and now you too know how to bookmark like a boss!

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